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PowerPlay Arena會員有福喇~




Exclusive offer to PowerPlay Arena’s members ~

Starting from 1 Dec, visit GolfZon and present your PPA’s member card can enjoy exclusive offer (130 tokens) to play GDR for half hour

*Please refer to the poster or feel free to contact our staff for more details

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現凡到1O1O Center出示GOLFZON會員卡,即可尊享以下獨家禮遇:

1. 免費獲贈1O1O冰巾乙條

2. 選用指定1O1O 5G尊尚服務可獲額外2,000 Club積分^


*^須簽訂指定服務。詳情請參閱以下電子宣傳單張。受條款及細則約束。如有查詢,歡迎聯絡1O1O 店員。

親臨1O1O Center:


Visit 1O1O Center and present your GOLFZON's membership card to receive the following exclusive benefits:

1. Get a FREE "1O1O Cooling Towel"

2. Receive EXTRA 2,000 Clubpoints upon subscribing a designated 1O1O 5G Prestige service^

*Promotion period valid ‪until December 31, 2020. Offer valid while stocks last.

*^Subscribe to designated services required. Please refer to the E-leaflet for more details. Terms & conditions apply. If there is any enquiry, please feel free to contact with 1O1O staff.

Visit 1O1O Center now:

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【Golf Tour S3 Stage 1 補賽】

由於銅鑼灣分店關閉期間,部份會員沒法完成Stage 1 賽事,所以特設Stage 1 補賽兩星期
【Golf Tour S3 Stage 1 Make-up Match】
Arrangment of Causeway Bay branch closure period, GolfZon members who could not complete the Stage 1 competition. We specially set up a 2-weeks of Stage 1 makeup competition
GolfZon GreenLive 分店資料
荔枝角D2 Place One店
電話: (852) 2593 6888
電話: (852) 2593 6988