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Dear GolfZon Member,
GolfZon Tour S4 Stage 1 比賽將於3月31號完結啦~喺Stage 1完結前完成賽事, 方有資格保留進入Final Stage的名額仲有6日渣!!快d黎預訂房間同其他會員比賽啦~
GolfZon Tour S4 Stage 1 will be end on 31-Mar-2021, Come and join us for the tournament to get the spot to Final Stage !!! 6 Days to go. Good luck~
Details please visit our Facebook Page or Website
*IC card is required, apply for your IC card $200/card

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1. 2月15號起開始接受網上預約(,2月17號起接受電話預約

2. 會所內餐飲營業時間更改為10:00-22:00,最後下單時間將改至21:00

3. Party Package可使用時段為10:00-22:00

4. 根據政府要求,出入本會所必須下載「安心出行」應用程式掃QR code進入或登記會員及同行者資料


We will reopen and have below new arrangement starting from 18 Feb

1. We will accept reservations by online booking ( from 15 Feb(Monday) or call us from 17 Feb.

2. The F&B business hour will change to 10:00-22:00. Last order time will be 21:00.

3. Party package available time slot will be changed to 10:00-22:00.

4. Follow by the government new epidemic prevention measures, scan the QR code which linked to LeaveHomeSafe mobile app or register the name and contact numbers when entering GOLFZON.

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經過教練多年經驗,分析出新手初接觸golf時常犯嘅三大錯誤,就由GolfZon Certified Instructor Welson教大家可以點改善啦!






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The Latest Disease Prevention Arrangement
Due to the latest escalating situation of COVID-19 and as required by HKSAR, GOLFZON will unfortunately be closed from Thursday 10th December 2020 until further notice.
Meanwhile, the F&B service in D2 Branch will remain normal (Business hour: 12:00-18:00).
The valid date of membership will automatically extend due to this situation.
Please visit our website and Facebook page for any updates.